If you dread bedtime because of insomnia, you’re not alone as at least a third of Americans struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night.
At FoundationMED in Raleigh, North Carolina, the team of functional medicine physicians take a patient-focused approach and diagnose the true root cause of your sleepless nights before offering personalized treatment plans to address the condition causing your insomnia.
What is Insomnia?
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that either prevents you from falling or staying asleep. For example, in addition to troubles falling asleep, you make wake several times throughout the night or wake up well before your alarm.
Insomnia is either acute or chronic. Almost everyone experiences acute insomnia from time to time when stress or worries get in the way of sleep. However, if you have insomnia more than three nights a week for three months or more, your condition is considered chronic.